Actress, an actress

Actress, an actress
abhinayanetri actor Gayatri
Manasa ninu regarded
pulakincinadi this janadatri
has filled the citadel dhivenam
's janmako divine reason
you lit pratiba attribute
the Nataraja female form
kalake dedication you find cell
silver terakennado is a loan
in the name of the girl along with the word
shall be found in the prosperity of the

mahanati mahanati
mahanati mahanati
mahanati mahanati
mahanati mahanati

art dream win valacavu
kadalikeduridi kathaga stands
or grow anything nestled
caritaputalona incubation in the light of
a very serious step sikharagramai gaganalapai nilipavuga
you mukhacitramai arises nalucaragula our Telugu

mahanati mahanati
mahanati mahanati
Mahanati mahanati
mahanati mahanati

mind pencukunnavu area
Are tears shared with the
original dhanamedo realize
tudhaku receive net
paramarthaniki asalarthame evolve to walk this way,
so as to evolve can not ask for more Needhayi vaibhogam

mahanati mahanati
mahanati mahanati
mahanati mahanati
mahanati mahanati
